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Old 10.12.2011, 08:02 PM   #5
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Sorry broham, but that is way to nihilistic for my tastes, and further, is way to simplistic. Human beings are far more complicated than just physiology or "instinct", shit I don't even believe animals are that fucking simple, have you seen some of their obscure mating rituals, or the length of some of their even stricter monogamy than any humans can possibly maintain? Sexuality, be it human or animal, is than far more complex then just chemical drives and ancient reproductive urges, and further mr cynical, what instilled these ancient urges in the first place then?

I can accept a Freudian outlook that explains all of our complex human culture, society, and technology, as one big mating dance, however, even with that simplistic approach there are more complicated variables in regards to human feelings and experiences. True, our whole damned world is just part of our sexual expression, however, there is still something deeper as to why individual humans chose to jump into this game. This is the causality I am talking about, what is the root cause internally of this human drive, not just for simple sex and reproduction, but a deeper kind of communication? You can be as James Dean as you'd like and pretend to honestly believe all that mumbo jumbo you said, but honestly, do you think that all your relationships were just for sex? Just for reproduction? What about homosexuality, is that just a biological anomaly? There must be something more, and why is this not fulfilled even in the process of sex or relationships, what keeps it going even when it seems to be satisfied, why is this only a fleeting satisfaction? The drive continues, even in absence of reality, like the constant itch of a phantom limb..
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