don't know what to say
i have my own thoughts about 'modern information'
you are free in your brain to follow modern information
why not it has taken 2 million years for the sapian specie to become modern
to have hubble and to have electronmicroscopes
more a modernhuman don't need
what is a constant truth is that a sapian stays a sapian till the last sapian in the universe
it's stays a 100% animal life
if you halusinate or not
we know the history of our sapian life form
water > bacteria > organism > waterspecie> tree animal > landanimal
what are we gonna do with this information??
and if you go backward
you have big bang > planets> bacteria
all clear information about life
but it seems the sapian has no much interest in modern information
and more because of it's animal design
wich is more active if it's rewarded with vagina or banana (food)
when a sapian doesn't get rewarde with vagina and banana
it doesn't feel motivated to this modern information
the pioneers are the only sapian who have gone over the edge to bring the modern
if only 3% to 5% of sapian population follows modern information
it's worth all the hard work of years of the pioneers
i'm very glad they did brainwork and brought the modern day
open the way for space research or travel or life on other planets
or else there was nothing to do
animal life is extreemly boring