for those who claim not to understand this protest movement, stop being pretentiously facetious, we all know what its about. Corporations have been running this country (I'd say ruining but that presupposes the US was ever any good in the first place

) for over a hundred years, and we all know the consequences and live with them daily.
I support these protests, its nice to see people rally against the Shitstem, however lets get real, could 99% actually agree with even one thing this movement wants? Honestly, most Americans LIKE corporations, and so this movement is not like what happens in Paris, or Athens, or London, no, this is America, I'm fucking surprised that no corporations have stepped up yet as the "official corporate sponsor of the Occupy Wall Street/Occupy DC/Occupy LA movement"
I'd join em but in LA protesting isn't like it was in the days of good Dr King, you just end up in the County, and in those dungeons people could care less about activism, all they care about is drama and ass beatings