I found this looking around their site:
poetpiet on
October 3, 2011 at 11:29 am said:
protest culture is not in intent but in effect an evil conspiracy to urbanize the young and innocent … give that decrepit old parasite conglomememerate some much needed vitality infusion …. try tie a few tasty morsels down for the much needed billboard cachet … .keep them hungry, on their toes and raging. No need to push the best to the front line so they can be done worst to, spilling into the street is quite inevitable for anything approaching crowd condition …. easy pickings for the orcs of global crowd control HQ
What motivates me to warn you is a closer look at what the livestream editors choose to present as tieovers for the down time .. intermission filler as it were. There is for instance the …
spanish protest culture footage over a
Sonic Youth song called ‘rocks’.
A few remarks on what goes on without saying:
Already pleasantly suprised by the relaxed and harmonious strum/style mix on that song (protest culture uses much angrier tunes on the whole) i prick up my ears when i hear ‘rocks’ in the lyrics and try catch a few snips so i can find all of the lyrics and the band name.
rocks — and the way humans relate to rocks .. being both substrate and vector of, that is relating to all being .. usually poorly — being THE main theme of my work, i look a little closer.
as an excercise i shall take their words and twist them ever so slightly yet come up with entirely opposed world views and much differing practices.
—- “We’ve come together to gather stars. Shooting up stones our powdered hearts”.
me: We’ve come together to gather stones. Powdered they rootnshoot (green) like the UPstarTs we heart.
For info bout powdered rock composted see my playlist ‘natural’
from the egyptian uprising …. seems way more sympathetic … but that may just be cause i don’t know what they’re saying.
“Lights on the stones on backed up drain. Warped lovers loosed on languid stain. We’ve come together to gather stars. Shooting up stones our powdered hearts. . Dead or alive. There’s danger. The dead are all right, with me. We’re not gonna run away,. We’re not gonna leave you stranger. Turn the light on, yr lonely love. . Camera on the haunted stones. ….”