Originally Posted by the ikara cult
Not to start a whole discussion about religion again, but THEIR PARTICULAR READING OF Islam is responsible for 9/11.
If a solution to the Israel/Palestine situation had been found, the attackers would still have attacked in some form. If the US stopped supporting Israel so heavily, the attackers would still have attacked in some form. If the Saudis had stopped trading with the US.... etc. Insert every demand Al Quaeda made
The only thing that would be satisfactory to them would be to concede every single little thing they desired, which of course is impossible.
However, if they suddenly started questioning their religion, stopped thinking that they would get to paradise and have 72 virgins after murdering 3000 people (the fact they only killed <3000 is still absolutely incredible) I have a feeling that would have done more in dissuading them from carrying out the attacks.
And people like John Hagee and that Koran burning idiot pastor might have a little more credibility when talking about Islam if they werent extremist religious nutcases themselves.
everyone knows that propaganda is a lie to start a war to keep people submissive to sick ideas of killing and hating peoples
propaganda makes extreemist see "an enemy" while there is no
they make unstable persons aggression stress focused into an attack act of violence
they give their own version of 'the religion'
the thing is it starts in jemen with osama's family
then to afganistan russian war with support of the us
then after that war
there was war residue that got it focus on other muslim populations that are in conflickt
they see america or isreal + america as the enemy causing all this
and random attacking people
many muslim died by muslim terrorist
they kill most of their own people
it's a psychological thing
brainwashing > propaganda > killing hating > seeing the 'enemy'
really dangerous cycles repeating and making 1000 's of death
you should look at the obsession the human has with power
during history
if you take europe
the time that the wild animals are dissapearing and people had to start agriculture and fights for land started
stonehenge druids, vikings turning christian, king arthur in england
then later napolean, hitler
all powersick people
the animals obsession for power never seems to leave
tell that to your childeren