Originally Posted by jon boy
have you been in a coma for some years? the world is full of war and horror. off hand i can think of several wars that have happened and continue to happen in my lifetime, some that will happen for a long time to come.
here are some words you may find useful: war makes some people rich.
no i have not been in a coma
that is the last thing i was into
what do you want me to do?
what do people who kill to give a message want me to do?
what do peacefull people want me to do?
i have seen all wars on tv
like everyone who has a tv has seen the war
study this effect it has on me
i feel really unconfortable, i feel powerless, i feel paranoia ect.
my feelings
i also know that feelings are manipulated, exploited to make me sort of choose sides and those kind of manipulations
from that rational preventional piont
i neutrelize my emotions, i study these and i can apply it to myself
i don't know how others deal with emotions (high emotions)
i see it like this
me in the middle of the biggest ocean on earth
have a tv that gives visuals and information about war
to me the info comes like waves
a wave iraque 40 dead
another wave afganistan 40 dead
another wave libia 3000 dead
another wave mass woman rape africa
another wave etnic african war 1000 of dead
another wave mexico drugviolence 30 dead
so if all that information is real
real blood of my sapian family
then the ocean around me turned into blood
it's all real
the most important thing to learn from this
that this has an impact on people
even if 90% of the people don't want war
who is creating these problems
a small group of people who are in a psychose
who lost the reality that they kill and hurt people
destroy the future for the childeren and so on and on
this small group of indivisuals are in a psychose
i call it the psychose of the psychopat -non stop killings of people
they don't understand they kill childeren and destroy the future of childeren
why does a person gets into a psychopatic state of mind?
you better leave that to professionals
i can explain it from my piont of vieuw if some understands it i don't know
treeclimers, groups chimpansees
to keep it simple
2 islands
same specie chimpansee we name 1 group A and other group B
island of group A for example has no more food
chimpansees from group A a naturally directed to island B for survival
what is group B going to do?
you can't know
it's a natural creature
can react in all kinds of ways
what is not changed is the specie
it's still a chimpansee group meeting another chimpansee group
a sapian is a bit more complicated then a chimpansee
the group of sapians 7 billion
are same specie
if they wake up or not, if all 7 billion of them are in a coma, is not the question
you can talk about it and talk about
from psychological pionts of vieuws
from natural pionts of vieuws
and all other pionts of vieuws your brain possibily can make
my thought is from intellectual piont of vieuw
accepting modern information
same specie is same specie
same dna familytree
if you want peace in all the tommorows to come
my thought is that the sapian found it's origin and accepts it
there is nothing wrong with modern information
like DNA is 98% chimpansee simular
the natural state is maybe difficult to find
because of parents, friends, school, tv, radio, internet
all that information is spoonfed, most didn't had a chance to think for themself
i think our natural state is natural calm
what humans name in the word peace
so if every sapian individually tunes in their origin radio " natural calm " peace
then all tommorows are waves of peace
that would reach me as i would be there in the middle of the ocean
peace and love to the world
we got to get out of the past
the past can be like war residue
just live in natural calm state for all the tommorows to come