Originally Posted by demonrail666
Me too, but the excess of that defines postmodern history's ever-decreasing circle of significance.
Really? I thought it was the obsessive self-referentiality and the refusal to speak unequivocally...
Besides, what has postmodernism got to do with anything? I was talking about the view of antiquity from the late 19th century. Postmodernism was a late 20th century thing that was in love with Nietzsche for sure, but that doesn't make him a postmodernist any more than the attention he got from Hitler makes him a Nazi.
Out of curiousity, is postmodernism even still the dominant paradigm in yr field? In architecture the two predominant modes in the 80s and 90s were a historicist postmodernism and deconstructivism (a mash-up of Derrida's ideas with 1920s Russian Constructivist aesthetics). But both faded away around the turn of the millenium and a sort of minimalist Neo-Modernism set in along with a corresponding counter interest in pre-industrial methods of construction - like Thoreau used at Walden for example - paralleling the Modernist/Craftsman dynamic of the turn of the last century in some ways.