07.08.2011, 10:55 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 5,255
Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I feel that I'm a great parent. WHY - because I love my kids and care about them. I spend time with them and have a vested interest in their lives. I always try to be fair and honest when talking with them, especially when they've done something wrong. I don't hesitate to let them know that I don't always have the right answer nor can I correct every problem......but they know they never have to face a problem alone. Also, having a wonderful wife at my side makes this possible / so much easier.
Our kids know that we strive to live on a budget and sometimes we can't afford "wants." At the same time, we nor the kids have to worry about the electricity being turned off or where the next meal is coming from. Living on a budget ensures these basic necessities. There are times I wish I could do much more financially for my family, but having / doing more wouldn't equal more love.
I think most people have some sort of an idea about the kind of parent they can be. At the same time, I think many don't even want to consider it because they know it means they are getting older. For many, I think growing older is a greater fear than the fear of being a parent.
best post ever.