All good advice, even some from nik.
In regards to the tattoos - I hold the same notion that they are becoming increasingly common. And the occupational area of the job for which I'm applying does not as a rule frown upon tattoos. It's not corporate drone, indistinguishable cubicles, public service, or anything of that ilk. That being said, I can act beige if required.
Also, the nail polish thing - I didn't mean as a fashion statement, I meant as a sign of attention to detail and a desire to make a good aesthetic first impression.
I've got the confidence thing covered, because I really am perfect for this job. Besides, I do have those super powers after all.
I'll take a job in Austin. This is a rather exciting time, because I've completely uprooted myself, so I have limitless options. I may be living off of pocket lint soon, but it will be a linty ADVENTURE!