I thought I'd share this, as it has sunk me into a depression this evening, and bolstered my already endless list of reasons to despise humanity.
I notice as I'm driving down my street that there is a dog loose. It's cavorting up and down the block, wandering into the road, etc. Now, if I haven't already made this known, I am an avid animal lover, especially dogs, and value their existence far more than that of humans, including my immediate family. This is not an exaggeration.
So naturally, I cannot ignore this. I get a leash and walk off in pursuit of this dog. He has wandered vaguely near a man outside mowing his lawn, so I ask the man if this is his dog. Meanwhile, the dog has walked over to me, licked my hand, and rolled over to have his belly scratched, so clearly this is no stray.
The man confirms that it's his dog, but that he doesn't want him anymore. I learn that he has asked random people (including me) if they want the dog, and when he couldn't find a taker, he simply let the dog loose to roam the streets. Apparently he couldn't be bothered taking the dog to the shelter. He simply LET HIM GO. Mind you, this dog is a German Shepherd puppy, only 5 months old, and would certainly end up hit by a car.
Needless to say, I pelted this degenerate with profanity. He waved some garden shears at me. I informed him that I would call the cops and have them take the dog to the shelter, and ensure that he get a ticket or some kind of violation notice, and he countered that he would simply say I took his dog. So I did take his dog. I stole it from his front lawn, but I'm sure he didn't mind, as he had let the dog loose anyhow.
I took the dog to the shelter myself. This was not a jaded, damaged animal but a friendly puppy that had gotten comfortable with a family and was suddenly discarded. As I was driving him there, he was trying to climb in my lap and lick my face.
My heart broke today. For the puppy (named Cavi), and for the human race.