Fucking Mavericks? Who would have thought they'd tear through so many great teams to get a ring? My hats are off to the refs
Luckily NBA is really a dramatic soap opera, its not real in the slightest, the player are no different than Rick Flair and the Ultimate Warrior, but just like movies and plays, if the performance is well delivered, it is fun to watch and gossip about!
In that regard, it was definately one of my favorite NBA seasons, aside from maybe last year and 1998!
Hey Kobe, where you at my ninja? You and LeBron and Dwight Howard having a little pity party?
At least Steve Nash clowned Spurs and managed to humbly get the Season high for assists for the third consecutive season!
There are over 300 players in the league, only 16 get a ring each year, aside from that its all about water cooler entertainment!
Oh yeah, OKC, way to go! Though you took the LeBron dive for Dallas this year (we ALL know you could have put the broom to those mavs) you still did way better than last year, going from last place to 8th place to the Western Finals, fuck the fuck yeah! Too bad Westbrook turned into a dickhead, I place the blame solely on Perkins for bring that boston celtics dickhead mentality to the otherwise college style OKC, next year they better lose the attitude or they gonna lose the season!
oh yeah, if y'all were fashion statement mavs fans watch out, vegas and the maffia called this loss, nobody throws a game like King LeBron, ask Boston and Spurs