Also, I've watched this one about 30 times anyway (it's only 27 minutes long), but I always love showing it to new people, Giuseppe's "ESOTERICA"...

I wish he hadn't retired. This was second to last film ever., and it's easily a 10/10.
Him (who made 35 classic films, none I'd rate lower than a 7, in 10 years; TOUCH ME IN THE MORNING is in my top 10 films of all time) and Damon Packard (Reflections of Evil, Spacedisco One) and James Fotopolous (Back Against the Wall, one of the best films of all time) and Ryan Trecartin (I-BE Area, Family Finds Entertainment; this guy is the winner of a $1,000,000 reward and has said he's going to make a film that uses a lot of the $1m! Considering his films so far are pretty much no-budget affairs, this should be exciting and insane) are basically the gods of the new age of "no-budget" TRUELY independant filmmakers.