Lessee... westerns, westerns.. I really need to check out some more. I wish there were more weird, nontraditional ones. Obviously, love Leone, love Tombstone and Unforgiven... But yeah, for me, the best ever are EL TOPO (I know, it's not "really" a western), Cutthroats 9 (violent as hell; the Unsane side project named after this movie is one of the coolest bands ever, to boot)...

and I think the absolute king of westerns is ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST, which is just about the most perfect film ever..
Anyway, I haven't watched many films, as I've been watching seasons 1-7 of TALES FROM THE CRYPT, which is one of my favorite shows ever. But this morning I caught

TALK RADIO, a low 8/10.