I should probably do this, though I only have 15 years to write about.
I was born in 1991. Which seems really recent. I lived a kinda-ghetto area in an apartment with my mom, dad, and big sister. Grove Street, I remember, which is Downtownish. My uncle also lived in the same apartment complex thing with his girlfriend. She (his girlfriend) got held up at gunpoint by some gangstas who accused her of stealing a bicycle.
When I was three we moved out to south Liverpool which isn't really ghetto much. We lived across the street from my first school, which was really handy. We got an orange cat and named him Chester because of Cheshire cats. He got run over after a few days. When I was four or something I started school. Aaaand... we got another cat, Sophie Tucker. She hated people though because we got her from a shelter for abused animals. I got a tiny drum set for christmas that year. It was really small.
When I was... FIVE we moved out to a nicer area which is more suburban and swanky. Or just wanky. It's the house I current reside in. I got the biggest bedroom and my sister got the smallest. I fucking rule. We got a dog as well. And another cat. I never had much friends in school. I did pretty well academically though, I suppose. I retained my weirdness as I moved on to high school (at age 11, which is standard for england).
Around age 11 I started to get into music more. I had always leaned to the 'alternative' side but most of the bands I found there were shit. One day I sought out the Smashing Pumpkins and Sonic Youth from the advice of the Simpsons. I was obsessed with the Pumpkins for a while before turning into a hardcore Youth fan over the years after. My musical taste (and subsequent haircut) made me even less-liked in school. Academically I've slipped since those times too.
A few weeks before my 13th birthday my parents decided to tell the kids they were separating. My sister had already figured it out. I hadn't though, I thought they were going to say we could get another dog. It came as a shock, of course, and... well, you know the emotional stuff tagged on. I played on my computer all day and didn't talk to anyone.
My mom soon moved out to live with her new man, and my dad went strange as he thought how to rearrange his life- what had he done wrong to deserve such a shit deal? I don't know. My mom must be some sort of bitch. Anyhow, we were all pretty sad. Sadness, plus lack of friendship or real parental support made Danny pretty depressed. My parents got me a drum set that christmas to make for it. You can't buy love, but man I loved that thing. Though I remained in a rut all through my time as a 13-year-old.
At age 14 I slipped out of sadness as I took up guitar and started doing more things. I had become a recluse really, feeling sorry for myself, but what was the point? It was so typical- teenage drama queen. Yeah, queen. I had had a 'pen pal' of sorts since I was around thirteen or twelve who lived in Seattle. Writing to her kinda made me think more about life in general, myself, and other people. It made me who I am today- more relaxed, more thoughtful, and I'd like to think friendlier. I picked up guitar around my 14th birthday as well and I got a jazzmaster last christmas.
I was 15 this march. Not much has happened so far, but I am actually going to visit my 'pen pal' this year. Which should be pretty fun. Thats about my life.