i was born in 1987
my family has always been very close
i was born into a mormon family
the earliest memory i have is being at my 2nd birthday party
it was a themed party (which is why i think im obsessed with theme parties)
i was a lion (of course.)
when i was three, i got my first cassette from my uncle...
Skid Rows "I REMEMBER YOU" single (hahaha which i still bust out when im drunk and sing along)
my uncle used to babysit me, he was in college and was a huge metal head
so, i became obssesed with music at a very early age
in elementary school, i had a lot of friends, ive always been a social person
went to a lot of birthday parties at the local skating ring
i was in a fine arts program 3rd grade through 5th grade
mondays and wednesday were dedicated to ART
tuesdays and thursdays were dedicated to Music
and we had dance class every day (yeah, i had to wear gay ass spandex shorts. i hated them.)
We had 4 plays a year
went on a lot of field trips
i dont know, i loved it.
I went to my first concert with my uncle when i was in 3rd grade.
Ozzy!!! and then i saw marilyn manson a couple of months later on his sweet dreams tour.
My parents still dont know about this.
At home, all the kids in the neighborhood went out from 7-9 and we played tag or hide and seek. Sometimes we told scary stories.
I traveled a lot every summer with my family.
Did the whole orlando thing for a couple of years
went to hawaii, spain, france, peru, and some other places.
There was this family that invited us every summer out to their home in the bahamas, that was pretty fun. Their daughter and i ended up dating in middle school.
Got my first guitar when i was 3 and then i got a bass guitar in 5th grade.
Middle school was great, all the same friends from elementary school and then some more from other schools
I played a lot of street football during these 3 years.
I was listening to a lot of music and i was playing a lot of bass guitar too.
I quit football in 7th grade and joined a band...
yeah... that didnt work out too well.
Dated a girl all through 7th and 8th grade.
She was my best friend through out my whole life(well up until that point of my life).
Our moms were best friends since high school so we grew up together.
Summer of 8th-9th grade my family moved to houston
I was actually very excited, even though i would miss my friends
i knew only good things could come from change
So we moved,
i made a lot of friends the first week of school
None i could honestly call good friends
i started going to Raves 9th grade
(my parents waited for me outside, lol. 9pm-11:30pm)
they thought they were concerts... with kids wearing funky shit
but theyve always been very open minded and cool about a lot of things
I made a lot of older friends and by December i was hanging out with 20 year olds
They treated me like i was their little brother
So i experimented with Ecstasy towards the very end of my freshman year
and my older friends were very pissed when they found out
So they stopped takling to me because they thought i was too young to be doing that kinda shit and what not
I started hanging out with kids from my school
by 10th grade my parents were letting me hitch rides to raves and my curfew was now 2am
I had also met a girl at these raves, she was kind of my girlfriend but we decided to call it quits when she started doing a bunch of coke
So i started experimenting with acid
and i realized i hated ecstasy
My older friends were like whatever so we started talking again
I made a lot of connections through them
and with the help of a promoter friend put together my first rave
i was 15
it went well, we made some money
put about 6 other raves and then we saved up enough money to do a big show
in 11th grade with the money we had saved up (and the help of an investor) we put together a concert with a pretty big headliner
I stopped going to raves and started smoking a lot of pot
I did the whole "high school scene" thing 11th grade
cause i felt like i needed to experience that
and i loved it
I always knew a lot of people in school but i was too caught up experimenting and going to raves to actually get to know them well
So i made a bunch of really good good friends
I took it easy 11th grade
partied on weekends
12th grade was just mind blowing
it was out of control
lotsa parties
drinking 4 nights out of the week
smoking pot every day
i put together a bunch of parties for the kids
well, they were more like events
im talking like $5,000-15,000 parties
i would charge anywhere from 30 to 200 bucks a ticket
Had a big winter bash and an end of the year bash
i graduated in 05
decided id take a year off college to put together some concerts and events
and now im here.
going to school in austin next semester.
looking forward to it.