I was stunned.
Now Bin Laden is dead, they need someone new (does the Godwin law apply to my statement?)...
And poor Dom looked a bit like Sid Vicious at the Chelsea hotel.
Except the Sofitel is expensive, and DSK a socialist.
Now, a couple of days before the arrest, our magnificent leader's devoted party pointed to DSK getting in an expensive car. Meaning : look at him, he says he understands the poor and the middle class, but he ain't, he's got plenty of money. Except it wasn't his car. Some people even said he had a house in Washington, meaning he could have slept there; as both cities are in the same country, they must be pretty close to one another. Oh geography...
Same here, our far-right in command can't care less about an African woman in the US who says she's been raped (think Hortefeux, minister of the interior, condemned for racism - he remained in power till he got condemned for shitting on justice). All their attention is focused on smearing DSK (and hence the socilaist party) with what a majority of French people do not appreciate in their president : the love of money.
Our president is a right-wing man, it is normal that he craves big big money.
Our president has been married thrice, he loves women, but as a normal, kind person.
Guess what? His lady is said to be pregnant.
Isn't he lovely compared to DSK?
Our brave president will be so moving during the campaign with his newborn. I think his third kid is living in the US with his mother. He used him too to get elected. And didn't raise him. Neither did he raise the elder.
Choice : Marine Le Pen, far-right, daddy got rich through the legacy of a rich nitwit... nope
Choice : a socialist candidate, whose friend will have been a money-loving rapist... neither
Choice : Nicolas Sarkozy, a brand new father with a loving wife, discovering that he has changed for the humpteenth time, a devoted caring husband... why, my, of course...
But I am drifting.
Rumour : DSK telling a friend he feared a vicious tackle by the Russians and the French.
The IMF is more important than France; were there a plot, it could be everyone's.
Rumours : Sarkozy got back to his position as minister of the interior to short-circuit plots made against him by his "friends".
Rumours : Sarkozy buying the support of a brave centriste (a centriste is right-wing bloke who ain't that far on the right and who may accept to work for the left, making both camps willing to use him, sporadically, giving him an enjoyable position with not much to do) by some blackmail : "so you like young men, brave bald André? Do you think your electors will understand?"
I drifted again.
DSK phoning the hotel to say he forgot his telephone in the room he raped a girl. Can you believe it?
A president taking a plane, it's a guy fleeing. Especially when he's in is position.
Reconsider the situation of every country's leaders (don't think Lybia)...
Contradictions everywhere, people pointing to other contradictions : Tristane Banon's mother wants to be elected as French president... Tristane Banon said she'd seek revenge on DSK when he asked her to chop off bits in her book... where's the truth? Tristane Banon is a journalist and writer who said in 2007 that five years earlier DSK had tried to screw her.
Truth is he is a piece of shit with women... Said Piroska N. No doubt about her appreciation. I have none.
Rumour : his wife is a lesbian, she doesn't care if he flirts around
Well, I am sure he didn't consider his act as rape. Which doesn't mean it was not. Sometimes, men's brains take a pause when their, our, whadyacallit pops up and don't listen. But there's a gap between not listening and rushing naked on a gril from the bathroom, thinking she'll enjoy it... That version is unbelievable if you stick to it.
But who knows? Bin Laden was in a block of Pakistanese well trained high ranked soldiers, wasn't he?