WATTSTAX! I cream, literally cream my pants the moment the Bar Kays shout
Jarmusch is a great director.I read a story once where Jim Jarmusch was hanging out with Roberto Begnini in Italia, and everywhere they went the people would be "Roberto! Roberto!" and adoring him and asking him to take pictures and just praising the actor, and that noone recognized Jim Jarmusch, and Roberto Begninin (a hilarious motherfucker) said "Jeeeem, Jeeeem, let me take you somewhere." and they walked out fairly late at night to an old plaza where a bunch of kids were doing their skatepunk thing, skating and blasting black flag and they saw Roberto and Jim come by and mobbed Jim Jarmusch and Roberto begnini said "Jeeem, see? seee? These are your people!"
I find great joy in that story.
My favorite directors are
Clint Eastwood
(Unforgiven and Million Dollar Baby are fucking masterpieces, FUCKING MASTERPIECES)
Spike Lee
(Do The Right Thing is my all time fave movie, and I love all his other stuff I have seen. I ahve not seen Jungle Fever though and Crooklyn was a bit slow. bamboozled was great, Clockers was great, malcolm X was fantastic, get on the bus was great.)
Joel or Ethan Coen (whichever directs)
(lebowski, Fargo, raising arizona, blood simple, Barton Fink, MILLERS CROSSING, all amazing rich films.)
Wes Anderson
(all his movies are so personally stylized and dense. I love them)