Will Ferrel is intolerable.
forgot, I watched these last week:

adrenaline drive - 8/10

dangerous game - one of the most underrated movies you'll see; why is this universally HATED?/10. ... I think critics of the time were resistant to anything with Madonna in it. She spends the movie crying, being yelled at, yelling, laughing, and being slapped around. So, uh, if you
hate Madonna, you should like this film. Oh, and it's good. I mean, Abel Ferrara... DRILLER KILLER, MS. 45, THE ADDICTION, THE FUNERAL, this film, and of course BAD LIEUTENANT are absolute classics. Too bad half of his films are absolutely terrible (NEW ROSE HOTEL, 'R X-MAS.. which also gets the vote for "worst title of a movie ever".. I get it .. Rx... RX... like.. pills and shit... why not call it RX-Mas? Why is 'R X-Mas? Anyway...)

desparate hours - 7/10 ... first of all, it's really strange to see Mickey Rourke look like this, since I'm so used to how he's looked for the last 13 or so years. Anyway, this is a surprisingly clever, decent little film. If you see it on tv, watch it.