04.04.2011, 06:58 AM
invito al cielo
Join Date: Jun 2008
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With both sides refusing to settle, Moore will take legal route to retrieving $2.7m he claims he is owed for Fahrenheit 9/11-
 - Shake the money-makers ... Michael Moore shouts down the banks in Capitalism: A Love Story – also distributed by the Weinsteins. Photograph: Overture Films
- The high-profile lawsuit Michael Moore has filed against his long-term financial backers Bob and Harvey Weinstein looks to be heading for court after both sides reportedly refused to settle.
- Moore sued the Weinstein Company in February over profits from his film Fahrenheit 9/11, which the brothers distributed. He claims he is owed at least $2.7m (£1.7m) and says those working for the Weinsteins used "Hollywood accounting tricks" and "financial deception" to cheat him out of a chunk of his share of profits from the film – the highest-grossing documentary of all time.
"No settlement. No interest in one. Discovery and depositions will reveal how the accounting is done, once and for all," Moore told the New York Post at the weekend.
He added: "Harvey and I have a lot of important history together; brothers in arms. And he and Bob have been nothing but a force for good indie film-makers ... I hold no ill will, and for now am just blaming all of this on his accountants and business affairs people. If I had to bet, I'm guessing they never even showed him the independent auditor's report."
The Post reports that the lawsuit has effectively put on ice a number of joint projects being planned by Moore and the Weinstein Company, which was set up in 2005 in the fallout of a row over distributing Fahrenheit 9/11. The Weinsteins entered a major dispute with Disney – which owned their previous film-making unit, Miramax – over the latter's refusal to release Moore's anti-George Bush polemic for political reasons. The Weinsteins also backed Moore's subsequent films, 2007's Sicko and 2009's Capitalism: A Love Story.
The Post reports that Bob and Harvey are also unwilling to consider a settlement. Their lawyer, Bert Fields, told the Hollywood Reporter in February: "The Weinsteins have paid everything they should have paid. Mr Moore has received a huge amount of money from this film and we believe he is overreaching. He should be ashamed of himself."