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Old 03.31.2011, 03:00 AM   #48
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gast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's assesgast30 kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by tesla69
Don't read the following if you think you might get scared by facts.
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US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) is attempting to make the mainstream media cover up of the Fukushima cloud a bit easier.

The agency now notorious for its infamous claim that the air was safe to breathe after 9/11 is now seeking to raise the PAGs (Protective Action Guides) to levels vastly higher than those at which they are currently set allowing for more radioactive contamination of the environment and the general public in the event of a radioactive disaster.

According to PEER (Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, the new standards would drastically raise the levels of radiation allowed in food, water, air, and the general environment. PEER, a national organization of local, state, and federal employees who had access to internal EPA emails, claims that the new standards will result in a “nearly 1000-fold increase for exposure to strontium-90, a 3000 to 100,000-fold hike for exposure to iodine-131; and an almost 25,000 rise for exposure to radioactive nickel-63” in drinking water. This information, as well as the emails themselves were published by Collapsenet on March 24.

you have these US EPA, and PEER

how many of these are payed from multinationals to give 'lies' changed results by scientist

the same with the green-norms, that they (the multinationals) pay
people from those department to continue polluting

if you have money doors go open
the door that brings lies, danger and stupidity in the future

some people are awere of these lies and bring the reality the correct facts and numbers of the situation

just see it as this
- payed doctors, payed scientist to give a believeable lie

-people who see trough lies and professional doctors / scientist


the ape only could fool his/ her own little apebrain

and all the apes lived a happy life
the end
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