japans method of dealing with disaster:
result: the population remain stoic and calm in the face of disaster, there are apparently zero incidents of looting. the reconstruction and aid relief efforts make their progress.
teslas method:
step 1.
spread hyberbolic fear about whatever subject you can find.
step 2. attack anyone who does not recognise your importance in battling
a fictional 90's wrestling federation team. claim you will "die on your feet as a man, rather than live on your knees as a coward". make wild and unfounded speculations, unheeded by the constraints of logic, rationality and intelligence. seriously entertain the idea that those that do not bow to your authority are "disinformation agents, paid by the cia in yuan, by their handlers in the bush administration". the reason you have not been successful is because your efforts are so important they are being thwarted by intelligence agencies. it does not matter if this conclusions are remotely plausible, as you can claim you are merely "putting ideas out there", since your goal is not to find the truth, but remain firmly entrenched in your manichean ego construct that refuses to accept you do not live in a real life situation comparable to the movies "star wars" or "the matrix".
step 3. if someone laughs at you, this means they are "jealous". take this logic to its most absurd extremes. within 30 seconds you should have already moved onto the next topic and forgotten everything you posted previously.
step 4. get tired and depressed, realise your haranguing and article reposting are as yet to wake up the sheeple to the tyranny imposed upon them. nothing has remotely changed and you are still a passive yet angry bystander as the empire of which you are a subject overstretches itself to the point of collapse in its mercantile activities.
step 5. tremble in rage and fear, fear for your blessed homeland, fear for the refusal of the masses to wake up to the solution of libertarianism to all their woes.
step 6. take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror, realise that if you were to actually step outside and try to make a positive difference in the world, this would entail having to face up to what your current state of ridiculousness, and decide it is better to "never leave" your important post at the syg. and by that, you do mean, "never".
step 6. convince yourself that perhaps the solution to US foreign policy woes lies in your support and antendence of the the gigs of independent rock musicians.
step 7. realise noone here is taking your paranoia seriously enough, so its time to take centre stage at home on the internet. also, wonder if music itself isnt encouraged by the cia to aid in the "homosexualisation" of america. amuse yourself in the smug reflection that all those poor homosexualised sheeple on the
west coast must be dying of thyroid cancer right now, but if you lived there, you would have been well prepared and could have looted their homes. when this fantasy fails to cancel out the crapness of your life return to your computer.
remember to twitch at the curtains for signs of black helicopters. go back to step 1.
result: confusion, fear, the tea party and panic buying of iodine.