atsonic - thanks that is really helpful! the guy just has so much work. I got Alphaville & Week End (the easiest available to me at this time. oh! & tout va bien is watch instantly on netflix) probably going to watch those next then get into this later period stuff. I'm particularly interested in Notre Musique & his newest one... but my girlfriend really wants to see A woman is a woman so I'm probably going to have to end up watching that next lol.
idk I haven't been to this board in almost a year & the minute I come back my interest for reading, film & film (shit my interest for LEARNING new things in general) has all come back. so thanks guys!
but umm let's see
I watched this french movie called Delicatessen. pretty funny & cool. had a surreal, zany terry gilliam style. probably like a 6 or 7/10 on my scale (whatever that means??

I also watched short films of david lynch but only up to the grandmother. it was cool seeing some early lynch but... I don't know seemed kind of average stuff to me. Didn't leave me with any feeling like the rest of the Lynch films I've seen.
speaking of lynch, is dune at all worth checking out???