Has anyone seen GOODBYE 20TH CENTURY? I figured
someone has since, y'know, the title and all. But it was compared to HOLY MOUNTAIN and IZO and COLOR OF THE POMEGRANATES (three of my favorite films ever), and the screenshots sorta give it that LONG LIVE DEATH! vibe, anyone have any clue? I'm going to d/l and see!!

random review excerpt:
Imagine, if you will, Road Warrior and Christmas Evil filmed by Jodorowsky. Elements of mysticism, gypsy folk lore, sci-fi and surrealism for a bleak and bizarre view of the future. A man is to be executed at gunpoint. Even when repeatedly shot at, the man cannot die. He continues to live. We later learn that he was cursed for having sex with a saint. He was impotent and could only get it up for this woman. The curse causes the town's children to die. He is now forced to go on living. A mysterious immortal prophet tells him a way to break the curse. There is also Lynch like elements such as a crazed green haired joker in the film who looks straight out of a Batman comic. The bizarre costumes and abandoned environment is in a cinematic category of its own. The second part of the film takes place in the 1900's, where we witness the first incestuous marriage and murder to be caught on camera. And finally, the film dives into the present which is New Years Eve, before the year 2000. A man in a Santa suit goes crazy at a funeral, or is it the family who's crazy along with their coke addicted relatives and farting grandmother. This is the chaotic event (not Y2K) that leads the world to a bleak future. This film defies description.
Uh. okay?!