Originally Posted by atsonicpark
And like I explained with previous "landmark" horror movies like LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT (I'd probably give it a 3/10 -- one part bumbling cop show, one part girls pissing themselves so parents get revenge em, no part entertainng to watch)... I rate films on entertainment only, not how "important" they are or any other factors.
Sorry, but no way is your 3/10 a reflection of the film so much as a response to its reputation. I don't for a second believe you'd have given it a 3/10 had it come out of nowhere, so while you say you're not judging it on how important it is, in a negative sense isn't that
exactly what you're doing. You're penalising it for its 'classic' status. I'm all in favour of questioning the validity of that status but I mean come on, you gave Ghost Writer a 7/10.
Ghost Writer, ffs!