Man, I'm a huge Bresson fan! I've got most of his movies -- strangely, AU HASARD BALTHAZAR is one of the few I haven't seen. I will watch it tonight, actually, thank you. PICKPOCKET is one of my favorite films of all time.
Fellini rules so much. I watched... uhh.. YOUTH IN REVOLT the other day, haha, and nerdy Michael Cera's character picked up a Fellini film and some jock guy said "DOES THAT DVD COME WITH A TAMPON FOR YOUR PUSSY?" or something like that. I thought that was hilarious. Fellini rules. I was almost embarassed to make Currently Untitled because it was such an 8 1/2 ripoff in points (okay, okay, I was really really inspired by Fassbinder's BEWARE OF THE HOLY WHORE also). Haha.