Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
Yeah, like that wasn't lamely set-up by the protesters to make the police look bad. What a bunch of fucking wankers.
eh.. the police do more than a good enough job entirely on their own to make themselves look bad, they hardly need our help. speaking of which, Long Beach PD killed an unarmed man in front of his apartment 4:40 Sunday afternoon over a misunderstanding, hell of a misunderstanding ("
Zerby says he counted 27 bullet holes surrounding the area where his son was killed.")
Originally Posted by demonrail666
Don't forget the recent 2010 uprisings in France and Greece and probably will spark off in Ireland soon nuff..
Its a shame, the same kinds of 'austerity measures' which are part of the US budget proposals are hardly getting any attention, including a serios education funding cuts, welfare cuts, tax raises, and of course raising the social security/medicare retirement age to 68! The US approach is actually making EU efforts look rather tame and empathetic in comparison!
Rioting is too much of a European tradition, I wish Americans would pick it up from time to time, oh wait, our police carry
assault rifles at
parades for Christ's sake, maybe that's why we rarely spark em off