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Old 12.12.2010, 09:29 AM   #255
ann ashtray
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
have you been to california lately? I am an out of work school teacher who has no access to health care because it is ludicrously expensive. Meanwhile the tab for public health is actually growing because people have to wait until they are dying to seek health care for preventable diseases. It would be a more efficient investment in public health moneys if the people had preventative medicine rather then relying on dying in emergency rooms. In LA, it like medieval Europe, people live their day to day lives with horrible and even debilitating ailments and then only make it the hospitals essentially to find a place to die. It is a fucking shame, an absolute waste of public money in the first place. The public pays one way or the other, because people don't want bodies piling up in the street, the question is are they investing in true public health, or wasting money on damage control?

and with education, I cant emphasize the lil homiez enough. The future generation of Americans are in peril, because they are denied access to many essential services like a decent education and health care. These kids live in the same realm of desperation as people in 3rd world war-zones like the Congo or the Balkans, they result to lives of crime out a keen survival instinct. They are not necessarily fuck-ups, they are often times victims of circumstance. Until you own streets and literally dangerous, you can not understand the purpose of a good, neighborhood public school and further a well-funded higher education system to give people options out of poverty. Education is an investment in our society, period.

Perhaps if University and other post-secondary institutions offered more affordable and accessible vocation and job-training programs you might be more interested. Just because you don't aspire to becoming a senior-analyst or a poet laureate doesn't mean college can't help you be a better house-painter, machinist, carpenter or mechanic Sure, we need menial jobs, but they should not be dead end careers. NOBODY should HAVE to be a waitress for life, there should be access to mobility, and trade and vocational programs are just that! The waitress/server can go to school and at least become management or sales in time, but without access what can they hope or aspire for? Jung rightfully said that without meaning, life is truly pointless and hopeless, and the "hoodz" across America are poignent evidence unparalleled in most other places of the world, it is the classic Americana paradox..

No degree. Two jobs.

Perhaps you should move out of Cali. Perhaps you should encourage yr homies on the curb to do the same.

And NO ONE must keep a menial job for life, even with the way things are currently set up. People move up in the world all the time. Of course sometimes this is achieved via hard hard and constant job searching, sometimes it amounts to school, other times it amounts to moving elsewhere to some place in which jobs can be found (and despite all the bullshit you read in the news and see on television, such places do still, in fact, exist).
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