Originally Posted by ann ashtray
But only because you are always here.
I've proven that I can not only take extended breaks, but also not be here on what boils down to an almost 24-hour basis. You've yet to do either.
You are a total miserable POS that can't seem to find anything better to do than insult people on the internet.
Online warrior...OOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!
go outside.
get beaten within an inch of your life.
write a book.
get it published.
You know, because the rest of the world outside of this little tiny internet forum gives a fuck about you and all your negativity + you have oh so much to say.
eh, i come on here while i'm working, which has been nearly everyday for the past few months. it's not exactly bliss inducing, so i add some lols to brighten up my day by coming on here. and it's not like i haven't already said even in this thread how futile it is to even talk to you in the first place. or like i haven't repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction at all the time i waste here. so i don't see what kind of point you could even have, even if i did somehow think spending time here is like the greatest thing ever.
i can see that you are desperately trying to turn this into a referendum on me as everything else you've said so far has been bullshit. maybe you want to try being less hilariously trollable? maybe you want to stop replying to me then if i'm so sad and lacking in sufficient "life" or book deals? whatever's cool. up to you.