is there anyone on this message board who believes swa has made one actual point and there is any content to his argumentation whatsoever? anyone? if needs be i'll refute what he said. i just don't see this as likely because i don't think there is anyone dumb enough here to think he is actually saying anything. seriously, is there anyone who doesn't see an idiot being contrary over and over again? anyone? is there anyone that is going to keep doing this with him? if you haven't worked it out now you'll get it eventually.
this is like when you ask a toddler can you have the tv remote control back. and they look at you and grin and laugh guilty. and you say "i can see you have the control" in a playful voice. and they laugh and say "no!" as if they can fool you. and you step closer and ask again and they say "no!" each time. and they are still saying "no!" and laughing after you've pulled it out of their hands and walked away.