The reason we have to pay for peoples education is - get this - so we can have things like doctors and nurses and teachers and an educated, well skilled and intelligent populace. Things that are vital to the prosperity of all of us.
Of course you selfish idiots can only see the world in terms of short term self interest. Yapping on about what your taxes should and shouldn't have to pay for. Determined to stand in negative solidarity with every other poor person. So you can entertain some isolationist fantasy of self sufficiency? Or just so you can whine about anyone else who gets anything to make yourself feel momentarily better about the fact that you can't get everything you want. Who knows, who cares. You just sound like children screaming "Mommy! it's not fair! he got a free chocolate bar! I want one! It's not fair! If i don't get a free one then he can't get ANY! Noone should be able to get anything unless I can get it too!". You will settle for the satisfaction of seeing noone get anything if you can't get something. You think this is some sort of virtue. Please keep quiet. we are all sick of your voices. The only problem is that you can vote. Shame that.