my degeneration - 8/10

hippy porn - 8/10
I know everyone loves Jon Moritsugu, right? (He directed cult classics Terminal USA, Fame Whore, Mod Fuck Explosion, and Scumrock) Well, these are his two most obscure films, which up until recently had been rather hard to come by... but thank god I did because I feel completely inspired like I haven't been in a long long time. Basically, the best way to describe Moritsugu is ... kinda like the films of Gregg Araki (Totally Fucked Up, Nowhere, Living End, Splendor, Mysterious Skin, and some other absolute classics of independant filmmaking), with more of a "no wave" bent (Jon made some films as part of the no wave film movement.., and was much more talented than Richard Kern and Nick Zedd, though I'm not sure if he was as talented as Amos Poe (the Godard-referencing genius who made Unmade Beds -- the 1976 one -- which I got on a DVD which hilariously, proudly proclaimed "FEATURING A DIRECTOR'S COMMENTARY!" and the film had no director's commentary! The film also has Debby Harry, before she was popular, in a role she probably forgot.. I highly reccomend no wave classic Unmade Beds - the 1976 one!! -- as the entire film is a really awesome "No wave" film that references the French new wave as if the no wave movement was the NEW new wave).
BTW, Thurston's on the Hippy Porn soundtrack.