Originally Posted by fugazifan
but also, i dont think that people have to pay for all of their past crimes. some people dont do well in highscholl, for many reason, not only because they smoke pot but because, for instance they have learning disabilities that are not well taken care of in their specific schools. or the way that highschool is taught just does not connect to them. does that mean that they wont be good students?
same here. i was awful in high school, barely made it every year. the only reason why i took those classes was because they were the closest to my interests (languages) and the degree would offer the widest range of possible studies afterwards (in belgium we choose a direction in high school, usually like what we want to do afterwards, and this can influence your choices in university: if you pick a direction with a lot of languages and little math you will have trouble studying biology later on without taking extra courses. there are also technical or art directions in high school but the other classes they teach (math, languages, history) are more limited so afterwards it can be a struggle to pursue normal hiher education instead of art school or doing a technical profession. this is why i never went to art school in high school, i wasn't sure of what i was going to do afterwards and wanted to keep my options open.
anyway, i sucked at studying latin and all the rest (not because of being too stupid, it just wasn't interesting enough) and now... i'm doing pretty well.