12.03.2010, 02:36 PM
expwy. to yr skull
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Macon, GA
Posts: 2,299
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
sour grapes, just go back to college already, trust me, its worth it. The SYG consensus is officially against you, and for good reason. Our society is ours, if they can spend trillions of dollars on war(s), and if they can give hundreds of billions of tax breaks to businesses (which CLEARLY AREN'T HIRING ANY US DESPITE MAKING RECORD SETTING PROFITS EVEN IN A RECESSION) surely we can invest a few billion on higher education. Besides sway, all the little billy's who smoke in the boys room already are trust fund kids and mommy and daddy already pay for it along with giving him the used family Saab, but me and my folks on the curb need resources, we can't EVER compete with Billy and his daddy (who gets all those fucking tax cuts!!) With the fucked up, pro-rich tax system in America, our tax dollars ALREADY subsidize little Billy and his bullshit boojie rich family, us poor folks needs more crumbs.
Oh, I forget....poor people don't smoke cigarettes in the boys restroom and get bad grades....got ya.
Team Thurston!