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Old 12.03.2010, 02:29 PM   #151
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Originally Posted by ann ashtray
People should be allowed to determine how they spend their own money when it comes to shit that doesn't boil down to necessity (how's that for "liberal"?) for themselves or others. University schooling is not a necessity for anyone. Sure, it's mandatory if one wishes to become a doctor...but becoming as such isn't mandatory for one's own survival.

There are plenty of grants out there, plenty of scholarships...and I don't know about anywhere else, but in the United States they aren't available only to rich people. You work hard, you earn it. If you don't work hard enough earlier in the game, you pay out of yr own pocket. I shouldn't have to pay for Billy "let's smoke cigarettes in the boys room and say fuck grades" Badass to get a better education.

I don't even know why I'm partaking in this debate....everyone is smart enough to know that it (thankfully...) won't happen here anyways. Shit's already bad enough as it is....more taxes towards a free education for everyone and watered down/less valuable degrees just doesn't sound like something good to fork out money on.

sour grapes, just go back to college already, trust me, its worth it. The SYG consensus is officially against you, and for good reason. Our society is ours, if they can spend trillions of dollars on war(s), and if they can give hundreds of billions of tax breaks to businesses (which CLEARLY AREN'T HIRING ANY US DESPITE MAKING RECORD SETTING PROFITS EVEN IN A RECESSION) surely we can invest a few billion on higher education. Besides sway, all the little billy's who smoke in the boys room already are trust fund kids and mommy and daddy already pay for it along with giving him the used family Saab, but me and my folks on the curb need resources, we can't EVER compete with Billy and his daddy (who gets all those fucking tax cuts!!) With the fucked up, pro-rich tax system in America, our tax dollars ALREADY subsidize little Billy and his bullshit boojie rich family, us poor folks needs more crumbs.
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