Originally Posted by ann ashtray
"Most young people prefer fun to hard work".
I find it insulting that anyone would be ignorant enough to even attempt disputing that.
dude, are you serious? You really keep revealing your not-so-"working class" background here, only spoiled kids live like that. Most kids have to take care of their little siblings, clean up the house when their parents are at work, get all they school shit done, and even go to work to make some money! Fun is only an option a fraction of the time.. get over yourself, but I think !@#$% already explained all your rantings here
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
I don't know exactly where you're coming from, but sounds to me like you're suffering from a case of sour grapes.
I do believe this is the evidence
Originally Posted by ann ashtray
I chose to have fun as opposed to furthering my education (at least in the way of college)
This is not to disrespect your life, I have maximum raspect for you brother, but don't be like most americans and let your own sour grapes distort your perspective about the rest of the people, as its been explained to you, these are dangerous generalizations.
Originally Posted by hevusa
Derek's and Glice's asshole must be so tight they hit a high C when they fart.
and the way you been harrasing me lately about honesty makes me wonder what key yours are in?
I just find it odd....we are talking about countries that are better off because of free universities...all the while these very countries seem to be on the verge of insolvency.
Have you seen American debt and budget crises lately? The CBO just presented a new austere budget that would make Ireland or Greece or UK new austerity measures look rather tame! US is equally if not MORE so insolvent, but at the least in Europe folks are getting an education out of it! Here in the US, the only ones making
money are banks and credit card companies, the people are as in debt and broke as the government..
Originally Posted by gualbert
Universities are obsoletes in modern countries.
You can have access to thousands of books, tons of informations once you have the internet. (and it's cheaper)
What do universities provide that can't be found on IN?: grades! degrees! 
Originally Posted by knox
you shouldn't have to pay anything for knowledge
knowledge shouldn't have anything to do with your name written on a paper you may or may not choose to hang on the wall
its not about knowledge, that is free, as is the wisdom of experience. However, with higher education, as !@#$%! and others already pointed out, if we DONT have affordable education, than only those ungrateful, unrealistic, rich-kid assholes get all the privileges, all the jobs, all the resouces, all the clout, all the voice, all the feria, and what to we get? Jack and Shit, and jack just split town..
Higher education is not just status, it is opportunity. We should not have go get into debt which benefits the crooked banks and greedy creditors in order to be able to compete with those rich kids who are the very children of these bankers and creditors! Fuck that shit! I paid cash all ones for my degree, and I consider having pirated to get my feria to pay for school the ultimate protest against privilege, status and americana bullshit! I love the sheer irony of it now that I can mock the establishment, and get a degree instead of a parole certificate with the exact same investment and effort!
I-KO I-KO un-day
mo fee-no ai na-ne ("fuck the big boss if he don't like it" Bill Kreutzmann)
mo fee-na-ne