ok sway, i've skimmed through this to see enough
yes there are in america a lot of wankers who waste their parent's money in college. yes there are.
and that is exactly the problem-- when higher education is only accessible to the privileged, you end up shutting out the willing and able whose parents do not have the means to send them away elsewhere.
i'm married to someone who got her whole education "free"-- and she's doing great. same case with her brothers. they grew up with very little, but were smart enough to take advantage of the opportunities offered to them (given that they are a "minority" that was mostly exterminated, they are getting some sort of payback for all those dead ancestors).
Higher education should be free of course-- free to those who qualify and have the talent to make good use of it in spite of their economic means. It's best for a country to develop their own resources to their full potential, and to waste good brains because the parents didn't have money is fucking stupid.
I don't know the case of Europe, but in the US we could use sliding scales because even state universities are fucking expensive.
I don't know exactly where you're coming from, but sounds to me like you're suffering from a case of sour grapes.