Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
no disraspect, but this sounds like a rant that belongs in the first world problems thread, not an intelligent discussion of public education..
and welfare=embarrasment?
don't be such an asshole, that shit was outright offensive and you owe millions of americans an apology for saying that (and also for obviously having voted for John McCain  )
No one in America works harder than the poor, and no body gets less for their work than the poor, and nobodies work is more crucial to the day to day functioning of American than the poor. Brother, I don't see you taking your head out of your ass anytime soon so lets just agree to disagree here, but point blank, to be poor is a joke in america, and there is little traction to get ahead.
I would LOVE to go to school if I could afford it, I would pay a reasonable amount of money, but the tuition now even at the university I already paid for before is cost prohibitive now with all the fee increases. I am not trying to become some corporate prick, I am trying to be a better school teacher than I already am, and get the kind of credentials to go into those bullshit, self-righteous, rich academic administrators who keep fucking shit up cuz they have NO IDEA what REAL LIFE is like, to make the appropriate changes so that the youth no longer continue to rob and shoot each other in the streets simply because they see few other options, and people like you are too busy telling them its all their fault. fuck that, maybe they'll pull the gat and make you pose and freeze one day and have a moment of clarity. In the meantime, if we want to stop this problem we have two options, we can go full out genocide like we did the poor indians, and simply incarcerate and kill off all the poor from violence and preventable disease, or we can invest in public education, put better educated teachers, more tutors and mentors, more after school programs, more access to higher education both university and trade school, and over all increase the attention and opportunity we give the poor. If not, only comes around to bite us in our own asses for having neglected our own society out of a sense of pride and vindictive self-righteousness. The current climate does not suggest that we will go in this direction, in LA today they laid of an additional thousand LAUSD classified employees including librarians, tutors, teacher assistants, playground aids, after-school programs etc etc.. The LA County Office of Education budget is short BILLIONS of dollars this and next fiscal year, and so where is the opportunity? Where is the hope? What are we going to be able to do? How can we even try to help ourselves with no opportunity, no traction, no empathy?
College is not for partying, most people go there to get ahead in life, and to be able to compete with those rich kids who got life handed to them, and then exploit all the rest of us. Instead of robbing and killing those rich in a bloody, violent revolution, I'd rather we have an education revolucion and become those legit folks, rather than kill them off, but if the rich continue to make it a rich get richer society and continue to deny reasonable and affordable access to education, housing and healthcare, we will surely burn this motherfucker to the ground just to spit on it and mock its grave!
Lord have His Mercy!
Major misunderstanding...I don't think everyone (taken they actually need it/haven't put themselves into situations to where they need it) should be embarrassed by welfare...it's just something I personally would feel embarrassed by, but only because I know what I am capable of doing because of the things I've already done. People want shit to be easy...and easy things should be...but reality is that they are not. Nothing wrong with one taking pride in their own accomplishments, and appreciating the struggle of it all. Nothing wrong with a society that actively instills ideas such as "living within one's own means"...most don't. Which is what I was getting at with all that poor vs. middle class stuff. MOST PEOPLE CAN NOT AFFORD TO GO TO SCHOOL, PERIOD! Most receive aid of some sort. The ones that really want it, work their asses off in HS and receive scholarships. I don't care what you say, I personally believe one will take school much more seriously if they are working their own asses off to pay for it.
Again, I ask....
Who pays the teachers in a free school?
Who purchases the books/paper/computers/etc?
Is it really fucking free?
And for the record, I didn't vote for John McCain. Matter of fact, I've never voted.
You say no one in America works harder than the poor....I would say this is true, but mostly applies to the poor that have worked their asses off to get wherever it is they are wanting to go. In America, it is easy to be poor. The majority of our poor do not go without food or shelter or utilities...because as you are well aware, there are services in place to take care of these people. Services I pay for...services, in many cases, which are taken advantage of. Services that pay more money per kid for the sometimes non-working. "Well, how do you expect a single parent with 6 children to work?"...I don't, I expect them to not have so many fucking kids. In a perfect world, MY money wouldn't go to aid
these people. I don't mind it going toward the single mother of two whose husband ran out on her and she's doing the best she can working at a grocery store...that, I don't mind. I don't mind it going toward the physically disabled.
I'm not about free shit, sorry. I don't see how it could, in all actuality, be free to begin with. There's no such thing as a free lunch...
And again, I think most 18-30 year olds much prefer partying than doing their homework....when they have to pay for it out of their own pockets, I think it ends up being more appreciated. That's just my take, + if this qualifies me as an idiot or an asshole...I'm sorry.
It's always "free this/free that...it's working across the ocean why can't we have it here, what the fuck can my government GIVE me"....I just don't think like that, sorry. You want it...you get it, or you do without.
If it really boils down to a "more intelligent society", and we aren't talking school solely as a means of advancing one's own career, then it all lies on the individual. Personal study can go a long way. If one wants to learn, this day in age it's incredibly easy to do it without college....but, there's still stupid fucks everywhere...go figure. Unless of course....you feel as if most Americans are indeed highly intelligent and all desperately wanting to spend 25-40 hours a week going to school.