no its not.
people who are actually poor cant afford university without state assistance. asking them to work 2 jobs to pay for it themselves makes them stressed, tired, too busy too study and gives them a worse education. we all do worse when that happens as a society. we are underqualified, stupider, pitted against each other with less hope of progress. the class divide gets bigger. those kids have to work even more for even less so their kids can have even less of a hope of being able to afford university. families get stuck in poverty for generations.
meanwhile the countries that have the sense to subsidize their education start to economically out compete us. they become more prosperous and intelligent societies.
this has been proved over and over again.
without state subsidies of education NOONE can afford it except the very rich. the institutions become elitist, the class divide widens.
any working class person convinced their interests lie in the kind of capitalist realism displayed by you are victims of a lack of education and the misguided belief that they of all people aren't the ones completely fucked over in the name of free market education.