w8. i neede 2 maek curracshun.
swa is NUT RIET about dat "dunt c whi i shud pey 4 othars edducatshun."
i menat ealireyar thning he said.
dat is fuscking returded.
swa is idiot 4 evan seyinf dat.
claeims 2 be werking class. i nut buying it swa. u sund liek midle clas who jsut threw it al awey cuz u dumass.
frist of al.
u shud want ur tax 2 pey 4 educayshun.
cus den it cna edoocaet othars who can lurne 2 be dokters nad saev ur shitty lief wen u get whsikey colon cauncer.
u shud want ur taxes 2 halp give kidz who cum frum poor backwroundes chance 2 study.
cuz if u dunt den IQ of nation goes down. peepul al r dummer. less skielldd. less new tech nad knowledge coems 2 nashun. we all poorer.
les intalligint nad deemocrutic soceetriatay if poor peepul nut edoocated.
whi cunt u c dis?
2 muhc lonaley salfish wihskey?
if i wuz cop i wud confisskate all ur moaney.
giv it 2 poor peepul.
truncheon u.
meebe den u wud learne.
if al socieytay wuz dumas salfish leik swa "I DUNT C WHI I SHUD HAVETA PAY 4 UR EDDOOCAYSHUN." den we wud haev evan less soshul coherance. les communitay. moar ideeoyts who thnik they cna be salf suffishint. evar1s wealth goes dwon cuz we al compeetin. wrose haelth cuare. wrose public raoeds. worase safety. wrose edoocayshun. libbertardian nitemare.