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Old 11.30.2010, 11:01 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by ann ashtray
Eh, that probably boils down to demographics. Most here constantly bitch about homework and talk about how much they can't wait to be done with it all. Only to graduate and further their bitching about how they can't find the jobs they were promised/etc. many drop out before ever even finishing. Some realize what lies ahead, and opt to just stay in school much longer than need be (like my step brother....he's been attending UGA for about 8 years now, constantly changing his course of study).

And of course most are working....they are typically told that they need to do this as well. Mom and Dad can't pay for everything.

I wonder how many graduate and find themselves still working at whatever given wage-job they had while still in school??? Sometimes for x-amount of years before something better comes along...and even this doesn't take away from accumulated debt....which of course brings us back to that whole "college should be free" thing.

I understand...I really do. I just don't relate. I'm likely being obstinate due to a strong working-class upbringing ("you want it, you work for it...nothing is free") .

Dude that sucks, in cali folks are not so pampered, the majority of college students are working fucking their ass off, paying for it themselves (either aid, loans or work) and trying earnestly to make something of their lives, after all employment is cut throat out here..

I am working class, in fact poorer than that both as a kid and as an adult. I "paid cash all ones" for my degree, no aid, no loans, no mommie, no shit, and a lot of folks I know and see had similar experiences. Further, demographics show most college students at the community and university level are similar circumstances, there are 400,000 CSU/UC students alone, and probably more than 600,000-1million community college students..

Free education is not about getting spoiled by the government, it is about society investing in itself rather than the greedy corporations and academics. Free education benefits most precisely those people who need it, and trust me I didn't get a free education so I can relate to being burdened down unnecessarily by education costs. Why should generations of people start out their life with a lifetime worth of debt? What does that benefit anyone? If mommie and daddie kids are getting into college fine for them, but the rest of us need a serious hand to get through it, and in cali the drop out right is relatively high at times particularly because of unfair and drastic fee/tuition raising. At least they should lock folks in, it is a shame to start university and end years later paying 100-200% more than you started, it is rather prohibitive of success..
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Now immigrants, folks without documentation, poor folks, and working class people can get ahead on all those university middle management fuckers. When I talk to the lil homiez on the block who are not necessarily to stupid to go to college, but rather have seldom seen what it can be worth, they are surprised to find out how easy it is to do that for a few years and get shiggity shack legit. Without universal education at all levels, these lil homies are more destined for the pin than the university, shit even I though I'd see a parole certificate before a university degree with honors, but hey, life is a trip.

again, what am I supposed to tell the lil homiez? fuck it go back to the streetz?
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