Originally Posted by ann ashtray
I wouldn't dispute that....but most people (sadly enough) aren't interested in education. Most go to school because they don't want to disappoint, or because they have been told it is necessary.
ahem, no offense, but that sounds more like a cliche 80s college movie than the reality of life at the colleges I went to and the students I know(n). Most people in college are working people, trying to get ahead, the whole go to school cuz mommie and daddie said so and paid for it are a minority at best, and usually pretty slim at that. College is both only a piece of paper to get legit, but also an opportunity for people to learn a lot and a lot about themselves, and not in a cheesy kinda way,
serio pero. The reality, is that you need these pieces of paper to get anywhere legit and to open a lot of otherwise closed doors. Universal education helps to take away the nepotism, corruption and elitism that used to be the hallmark of getting those pieces of paper. Now immigrants, folks without documentation, poor folks, and working class people can get ahead on all those university middle management fuckers. When I talk to the lil homiez on the block who are not necessarily to stupid to go to college, but rather have seldom seen what it can be worth, they are surprised to find out how easy it is to do that for a few years and get shiggity shack legit. Without universal education at all levels, these lil homies are more destined for the pin than the university, shit even I though I'd see a parole certificate before a university degree with honors, but hey, life is a trip.