Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

Fuck that.. we should be storming the chancellor's office like the bastille but they would shoot us all dead in the streets, cali is ruthless like that. The cops will tell you point blank, "fuck that shit, this is my hood, we're the biggest gang in town mother fucker."
if we did what they are doing in the UK, people would get shot in the streets, and the LAPD would feel fully justified, its how they roll with crowd control (see MAY DAY rally).. Shit I could only imagine if a group of protesting students stormed the Democratic Party headquarters in downtown LA, they'd probably send in the national guard worse then Kent State 1970! UK you don't know how lucky you are, I pray that this protest works and the rescind these unfair increases..
you need to make a distance from a paranoi story you roll into
like writing a movie script
nothing else
and i have seen people in new york
all paranoi with camcorders filming everthing when something happens they have the evidence to show
this is an unhealty sign of people and goverment
you can trust people
that they are trying to make things better
you yust need to be a part of it
these people have family and childeren too
sometimes things are wierden and stranged by outside influence
this gives you an easely unstable vieuw of things