the CSU/UC system has risen the fees 400% in the past years, it went up nearly 100% in the two years I was there after I transferred in, and it has gone up another 50% since I graduated two years ago.. By the way, they just changed the name of "fees" to "tuition" for the first time, they were called "fees" for years and years because the California Republic state constitution declares all public education, including post-secondary, to be free and universal to all residents and citizens of the republic. That is why they were called "fees" because the state was not allowed to charge tuition, education in California was technically free, but now they have showed just how greedy and inept the management is with the CSU/UC system and instead of dropping the price of fees and balancing their budgets, they have said fuck it, why not go fully unconstitutional, why not spit in the face of the civil rights of the citizens who work hard to pay our salaries, and just go all out and charge tuition now. Fuck that.. we should be storming the chancellor's office like the bastille but they would shoot us all dead in the streets, cali is ruthless like that. The cops will tell you point blank, "fuck that shit, this is my hood, we're the biggest gang in town mother fucker."
if we did what they are doing in the UK, people would get shot in the streets, and the LAPD would feel fully justified, its how they roll with crowd control (see MAY DAY rally).. Shit I could only imagine if a group of protesting students stormed the Democratic Party headquarters in downtown LA, they'd probably send in the national guard worse then Kent State 1970! UK you don't know how lucky you are, I pray that this protest works and the rescind these unfair increases..