you cannot just say that because i demonstrate facts that contradict your argument it is "my ego talking".
you are a retard.
and everything you said
can also be said to be "just your ego talking."
my ego said that.
true story.
by posting a the-hom yoyrke video
you again prove
your own level
of retardation.
your own ego
is trying to convince you
you are egoless
and that the reason for war
is that people didnt listen to buddhist monks
and that we could all get along and avoid conflict somehow
if we only found some sort of inner truth
you will burn in the hell of depression and confusion
that awaits anyone stupid enough to believe in this ideal
so i egolessly
call you a retard
to try and prompt some sort of escape, to try and offer you a way out of this stupidity
if i didnt respect you whatsoever
i wouldnt call you a retard
i would be nice to you
its my service to humanity
its because i am so egoless
buddhist monks taught me this
then i murdered them all
thats what enlightenment is