Originally Posted by Derek
1. What is your stance on vestigial organs? Many scientists claim that through evolution some organs have lost their purpose but a lot of fundamentalists would say these organs still have uses and thus are not vestigial (such as someone without tonsils is 4 times more likely to contract disease even though doctors deem it perfectly safe to remove them).
2. Through quantum physics, there's been massive support that particles can form out of nothing, somewhat showing that the universe could be uncaused. What do you think about this?
3. Do you believe that a higher entity indeed created us entirely or rather that an entity planted the seeds for our growth and we simply evolved over time? Or is it that your religion is simply a spiritual quest and does not conform to the views of a Christian God?
4. God is often depicted in a human form, explained by people's needs to make God relatable to them. Do you think this is right or is the idea of 'god' simply a force outwith our comprehension?
Coming from a non-religious background, I'm interested in gaining some perspective that's not simply a teacher talking as you could understand. This thread isn't to denounce either religion or science, but rather to observe each other's views, remember.
1. Vestigial organs, for me, just support the fact that we are still evolving. While not an "organ", wisdom teeth spring to mind. More and more people are not only being born without them (yes, completely normal + expected) but never having them come in, period. I'm one of these people.
2. I believe that the universe could have totally came into play without the aid of what most's concept of God happens to be. To these people I say "If God came from no where, why can't anything else?"...
3. Seeds were planted, sure. There was a beginning, and there will be an end (to quote the scriptures "Alpha + Omega") to virtually everything as we know it. Something happened somehow, but I don't believe it was due to any conscious effort of a higher power. I stress "conscious". Is it possible? Sure.
4. If God exists...it no doubt goes far beyond anyone's comprehension. A long time ago I realized that there have been people far more intelligent than I who spent near-lifetimes attempting to work out such questions...never with any solid facts coming into fruition as a result (at least no facts that answer the big "does God exist" question). "Hints", sure. There have been hints...but hints tend to lead to new theories which lead to new questions that absolutely everyone, atheists and those that believe in god alike, will attempt answering in their own special little ways. For me, I'm comfortable not knowing. I think that if there does happen to be a God that is aware of my wee-little existence, he can appreciate this fact....if only because I ain't claiming to know anything I can't back up.