Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
gravity is a bit more essential than simply falling of a bridge, technically that doesn't even prove gravity at all, more likely kinetic energy and laws of motion. Gravity acts more on an atomic and subatomic level. But you missed my point entirely. Gravity is not something you can inherently prove, it is sort of a given of experience. How is it that you prove Gravity my friend? With what? Do explain? and even if you go into all kinds of quantam mechanics, where is the actual proof?
The proof? We aren't eating our food out of tubes. That is the proof. The tides of the ocean. Michael "Air" Jordan.
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Existentially, you don't even know if any moment from the next is indeed real or a dream or a hallucination, and further any thing happening could just be an elaborate construction of that vision. Are you really that sure that any of this is real? And How is it that you prove this to anyone? Really, honestly, without fucking around on your high-horse, don't respond, just stop, marinate and think about it.
We are 100% on the same page here. We can't prove any of this is real, including you or I. That doesn't mean one should disconnect rationale to believe in a deity, especially those found from scripts of ancient civilizations. That would be mind blowingly' ridiculous, cause conflicts between groups of people, injustice to minorities, and create illogical laws. Don't ya think??
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
You do not necessarily describe how you defy gravity in learning to play a game like basketball, you do not explain it as such when teaching a kid how to shoot, and it rarely comes to mind. This is my allegory, if God(s) exists and God(s) is the source and origin of all existing things, then surely this God(s) operates as fundamentally in our Multiverse as do the fundamental cosmological forces, which in the theism of the Hellenists, these forces precisely were God(s), whereas in the Christian conception such "forces" and "powers" and "natures" emanate from the Divine, are sort of reflections, shadows, or smoke which reveals the substance of the Divine activity/economy, showing the form of what is essentially formless as the wind which the smoke drifts upon. Good God(s) man, are you still here arguing?
haha. Of course I am still here. This is the most fascinating subject on earth in my opinion. I'm glad you are indulging me.
Why in the world would a God
have to operate under the laws of the universe??? This makes no sense. If a God was truly all powerful and omnipresent he would not be limited in any manner, including the laws of gravity. And there is always the question of what created said God if God actually did create everything.
And your basketball thingy. You don't teach a kid the parabolic path that the ball travels after it is thrown either. That doesn't mean that math isn't real and that the kid won't learn it in algebra class later like the rest of us schmucks.