@DR666 You are right it does'nt make sense killing is killing. Different groups interpret things different ways mostly to thier liking. Yes christians have done alot of horrid things throughout history. No one can deny that. Not all christians practice what they preach though and believe me it more frustrating to believers than to non because they make ppl look on all of us as fools. Jesus did say in the scriptures to follow the law of the land and give unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's to me this is saying that he was for the separation of earthly government and god's government over your faith. I personally do agree with separation of state and church and have no problems with god being taken off of money or out of the pledge of allegiance. WHO CARES I know god does not. That sort of shit is trivial to him I would think. I think that swearing on the bible is a little silly anyway are we in third grade still cross your heart and hope to die. I don't particulary like the death penalty. I do live in FL so we have it. I think it is more of a punishment to sit in the same place for the rest of your life than to kill them. Dying is the easier way out in my opinion. yr mind can put you you hell.