Originally Posted by noisereductions
nobody will answer yes Gail.
thats not entirely accurate. I'm sure many folks like myself will say yes and no. I anticipated graduating from University, I dreamed of becoming an active part of the Rastafari community, and I am still bound and determined to get to Ethiopia land.
The unanticipated things have still been good, I didn't anticipate becoming Habte Selassie, I never dreamed of teaching high school, and I surely thought I would still be a dreadlock (8 out of 10 years aint bad though

Life changes and evolved, you have to have practical dreams that serve as a rudder to guide your life in at least
a bit of direction, but also leave a little room to have some sincere, unanticipated fun.
Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
NO I am not. I don't know why. I ponder this alot. 10 years ago I had dreams. Today I still have some of them, but time has torn the edges a bit. 10 years ago I did not know I was going to be a mommy. 10 years ago I sold lampshades to rich women and helped Ryan mow yards on my days off. we were going to build a strong business that would last. Since then that dream was smashed and not by us. So my next dream Interior Design. I was still working on my degree and had visions of becoming a great designer and creating beautiful places and art for ppl to enjoy. I dreamed about singing. 10 years ago I dreamt of being skinny. It is the only dream I ever fullfilled. I'm a bit jaded now. Everything is an Illusion. 10 years ago what I thought was so opposite of what I think today. I was once a positive person. But now I can see that nothing will really ever make me happy. I used to dream of having a nice house with a great garden and being featured in Southern Living for my "perfect" home. HA!!!! I was way off mark with that one BTW not a dream anymore I threw that one in the trash. Fuck them.
Now I feel like I am reverting back to when I was 16. I don't want to live in everyone else's reality. epecially the ppl here. Dumb fucks but love em. I do not want alot of money or a big house or perfection anymore. Right now I am just dreaming of a genuine smile.
..when all of your wishes are granted..
..many of your dreams..
..will be destroyed..