To the guy I have been dating until very recently.
The reason I stopped all contacts with you is because you bore me to tears. Yes, there is not a deeper reason than that behind it, you just whinge all the time and I have no time for that. You might be an excellent bed partner, but the thought of listening to your constant whinging in the name of being in a healthy relationship makes me want to jump off a building not once but several times until I don't have to hear anymore of your excuses for being such a boring twat.
I understand that you have been with a despicable boyfriend in your previous relationship, that doesn't automatically entitle you to being a drama queen about anything you don't agree with. Simple things like occasionally getting out of the house, get some fresh air, and see with your own eyes that not everyone gets stuck in their past misfortunes would really help you on the long run, yet you think that spending time at home to work on your auntie’s yoga website while trying to cop with her disorganised skills is such a serious burden on one’s existence that it bears reminding anyone who’s willing to listen at any (non) given opportunity. I have some bad news for you, that’s not the case. So, yes, you got it. Fuck off.