Originally Posted by noisereductions
BTW, the Kill Bill cut talk reminded me of something really awesome that most people don't know...
If you buy the first Scream on VHS, it's the unrated directors cut. The back of the VHS says its rated R, but in fact it's a longer more violent cut than the DVD release. Sadly, no unrated cut of Scream has been released on DVD. At least not in the States anyway. 
Strange, I actually knew that. Anyone remember how Scream had, like, 6 differnet VHS Covers? The typical movie poster one was a boring poster, and some of the actors looked completely different than they did in the movie (Skeet Ulrich had long hair and a moustache for some reason, for example; similiar to how "SILENT BOB" Kevin Smtih looked COMPLETELY different on the Clerks cover art... also, for Four Rooms, Madonna had COMPLETELY different hair color/style and clothes for the cover.. strange, these are all Miramax films).
Anyway, the SCREAM covers with the actors, wwith the blue lighting.. were some of the coolest covers ever.. almost lynch like..